. 04.Soft Skill Economic Census Enumerator & SupervisorsAssessments Exam Quations Answer

04.Soft Skill Economic Census Enumerator & SupervisorsAssessments Exam Quations Answer

Q1. Which of the following forms of communication is the most basic form of communication?.

(A) Written Communication

(B) Verbal Communication

(C) Non Verbal Communication

(D) Listening

Answer :-(B) Verbal Communication

Q2. Communication is a two-way process, in which the sender sends a __________ to the receiver..

(A) Message

(B) Note

(C) Feedback

(D) Communication

Answer :-
(A) Message

 Q3. Behavioral Skills have so many qualities like -.

(A) Conversational 

(B) Frank

(C) Friendly in nature 

(D) All

Answer :-(D) All 

Q4. Quantitative data involves facts and figures and numbers..

(A) True


Answer :-
(A) True 

 Q5. Critical thinking ,persuasion, Monitoring is a part of Motivational Skill ?.

(A) True


Answer :-
(A) True 

Q6. How to deal with Individuals and people in a group?.

(A) Personal traits like charisma, self-confidence, dedication, decisiveness, optimism, perseverance, high level of energy and passion for his/her work will attract interviewee.

(B) Irrespective of the caste, religion and gender, every person should be considered equally.

(C) As a enumerator, one should campaign for the services under CSC and make the villagers aware of what we offer and its benefits.

(D) All

Answer :-
(D) All

 Q7.    _________ is the first step of listening..

(A) Reading 

(B) Writing 

(C) Hearing 

(D) Speaking

Answer :-
(C) Hearing

Q8. characteristics of Social Skills are -.

(A) Emotionally Mature 

(B) Carries an empathetic attitude 

(C) Social Perceptiveness

(D) All

Answer :-
(D) All 

Q9. A good Enumerator should posses these communication skills.

(A) Reading and Writing

(B) Listening and Speaking

(C) Only Speaking

(D) All

Answer :-
(D) All

 Q10. Can knowledge of local language plays any role during survey?.

(A) Yes, without knowing local language Enumerator cannot speak to the people.

(B) No, Enumerator can show them the written questions.

(C) No, Enumerator can ask the people to record their answers

(D) None

Answer :-
(D) All

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