Q1. Who will do Economic Survey ?.
(A) Superviser
(B) Enumerator
(D) None of above
Answer :- (C) VLE
Q2. What do we cover in Economic Census ?.
(A) Economic Activity of Country
(B) Economic Activity of Every district
(C) Economic Activity of Every Village
(D) Economic Activity of Every Household
Answer :-(D) Economic Activity of Every Household.
Q3. Abbreviation of UFS?.
(A) Urban Frame Survey
(B) Union Frame Survey
(C) Unique Frame Survey
(D) None of above
Answer :- (A) Urban Frame Survey
Q4. Where are UFS blocks created __________?.
(A) Rural
(B) Urban
(C) Rural & Urban Both
(D) Non of above
Answer :- (B) Urban
Q5. If UFS Blocks are created in Urban, then what is the equivalent unit created in Rural area ?.
(A) Enumeration City
(B) Enumeration village
(C) Enumeration process
(D) Enumeration Block
Answer :- (D) Enumeration Block
Q6. What does IV unit mean ? .
(A) Investment Unit
(B) Inovation Unit
(C) Investigator Unit
(D) None of above
Answer :- (A) Investment Unit
Q7. IV Unit is present between _____and ____?.
(A) between town and blocks within the town
(B) between district and blocks within the District
(C) betweenVillage and blocks within the Village
(D) between city and blocks within the City
Answer :-(A) between town and blocks within the town
Q8. What is Enumeration Block ?.
(A) Smallest unit of distribution of Urban area
(B) Smallest unit of distribution of Rural area
(C) Smallest unit of distribution of Urban & Rural area
(D) None of above
Answer :- (B) Smallest unit of distribution of Rural area
Q9. Who is required to visits Enumeration Block ?.
(B) Supervisor
(C) Enumerator
(D) B & C both
Q10. What is Economic Census house ?.
(A) Separate bell & name plate
(B) Common main entrance from road / Staircase
(C) Separate main entrance from road / Staircase
(D) None of above
Answer :- (C) Separate main entrance from road / Staircase
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